US Government’s Pentagon seen from above
A top tech official at the Pentagon says they want an “all in one” sensor to address defense work.
According to US undersecretary of defense, Heidi Shyu, this sensor is just one of several critical technologies needed. At last week’s Special Operations Forces Industry Conference, in Florida, Shyu detailed only that this special, singular sensor would be able to listen, jam, communicate and inject without saying much more on the subject.
With that said, there may be some funding available to get this project rolling. Shyu’s office requested $377 million in the next defense budget across the next five years to build momentum in experimentation projects. This is important because while this initiative sits in the purgatory of the congressional budget cycle, they can only rely on what remains from last year’s funding to go towards new technology.
Fortunately, Shyu adds, the Pentagon also received $100 million to be specifically dedicated to “accelerated procurement and fielding” which could innovate technology made by small businesses. This objective would help smaller companies transition from the research phase II to phase III levels within the overall government research process.
In addition to this, Shyu is also hoping to receive funding from another operating initiative. There is currently a budget proposal to apply $52 billion for a microelectronics “foundry” in the US.
Apparently, the aftermath of the larger COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light that most of the microprocessors that we find in modern technology is manufactured in Taiwan. Supply chain issues that arose during and after the pandemic would make it more difficult to distribute this technology to the larger manufacturers who need it: not just computers and phones but also pickup trucks and even advanced satellite systems.
Obviously, an onshore (US) foundry dedicated to manufacturing microelectrics would simply provide another source for this necessary technology. In addition, this type of installation would also improve university research efforts and small business experimentation.